Thursday October 24, 2024

Today's Moon Phase

Third Quarter
Today: Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Time zone:Washington/Seattle
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Phase: Third Quarter
Visible: 43%
Age: 22.84 days
Angle: 0.77
Distance: 393,435 km
Moonrise: Not Today
Moonset: 3:30 pm

Details about Today's Moon Phase

Today - October 24, 2024 Moon Phase includes the Phase of the moon, and the percent of illumination Visible from earth. The Age of the moon in the lunation cycle of approximately 29.53 days for a full cycle from New Moon to the next New Moon. Angle representing the terminator phase angle as a fraction of a full circle with both 0 and 1 corresponding to a New Moon and 0.5 corresponding to a Full Moon. Distance of the Moon from the center of the Earth in kilometers all based on your local Washington/Seattle time zone. Moonrise is the rising of the Moon above the horizon and Moonset the lowereing of the Moon below the horizon. Moon photo's are courtesy from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Visualization Studio.


October 2024 Moon Phases calendar as well as year 2024 Moon Phases for the entire 2024 calendar year.