Sunday February 16, 2025

May Day 2029

Children dancing around May pole.
May 2029
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Ascension Day
Thursday May 10
4 years, 2 months, 24 days
or 1544 days


Mothers Day
Sunday May 13
4 years, 2 months, 27 days
or 1547 days


Sunday May 20
4 years, 3 months, 4 days
or 1554 days


Memorial Day
Monday May 28
4 years, 3 months, 12 days
or 1562 days


May Day for the year 2029 is celebrated/ observed on Tuesday, May 1st.

May Day is observed on May 1. It is considered a spring holiday where celebrations include dancing and singing and dancing around a Maypole. A Maypole is a tall wooden pole often with cloth or rope extending out to hold by dancers going around the pole.

Countries that celebrate May Day

Spain, Serbia, Germany, France, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Finland, Estonia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Scotland, Wales, England, Sweden, Canada and the United States all have various holidays related to May Day with some leaning more toward religious backgrounds and celebrations and others more pagan.

Days to May Day 2029

Tuesday, May 1st is day number 121 of the 2029 calendar year with 4 years, 2 months, 15 days until May Day 2029.

May Day
Name(s):May Day
When:May 1 annually

Dates for May Day

HolidayDateDays to Go
May Day 2024 Wednesday, May 01, 2024 -291
May Day 2025 Thursday, May 01, 2025 74
May Day 2026 Friday, May 01, 2026 439
May Day 2027 Saturday, May 01, 2027 804
May Day 2028 Monday, May 01, 2028 1170
May Day 2029 Tuesday, May 01, 2029 1535