Friday February 07, 2025

Ukraine Flag Baptism of Kyivan Rus - Ukraine

Baptism of Kyivan Rus

The Baptism of Kyivan Rus day falls on July 28th each year and celebrates the Christianization of Kievan Rus.

Celebration\ Observance

The day celebrates the Christianizing of the Kievan Rus regions and people can attend church and or reflect on the history and changes made back in the year 988.


Back in 988 Vladimir the Great was baptized and helped move the Kievan and Rus regions toward Christianity. Even earlier Princess Olga was baptized but minimal change toward occurred when she was baptized.

Ukraine Public Holidays

Yearly Calendars

Provides calendars for the calendar year for Ukraine.

Holiday Dates for the Year

Provides the dates for holidays for the calendar year for Ukraine.