Sunday February 09, 2025

Thailand Flag Makha Bucha - Thailand

Makha Bucha

Makha Bucha day also known as Magha Puja day varies in Thailand based on the Lunar cycle. On this day 1250 monks gathered to hear Budda preach. Buddha ordained these monks and they in turn spread the Buddhist principles to the population.

Celebration\ Observance

People that follow Buddhism will give alms to the monks in the morning and go to the temples in the evenings to listen to the sermons. At the sermons they will perform a ritual called the candle ceremony walking 3 times clockwise around the temple while holding flowers, incense and lighted candle.


This day became a holiday in 1957 prior to this the day was called Buddhist Holy Day

Thailand Public Holidays

Yearly Calendars

Provides calendars for the calendar year for Thailand.

Holiday Dates for the Year

Provides the dates for holidays for the calendar year for Thailand.